Medium continues to evolve

When Ev Williams launched Medium, we had high expectations give his track record with Blogger and Twitter. The video above has a great interview of Williams by Kevin Rose as they discuss the path he took to Silicon Valley and entrepreneurship.

Since then Medium has methodically found its place in the online publishing landscape. The notion of long-form writing that could be collaborative and stimulate real discussion as opposed to idiotic comment flame wars was one worth pursuing, and Williams and his team have made real progress here. Politico has noted how Medium is being used more frequently by politicians and activists to publish Op-Eds in place of traditional newspapers.

Recently he announced new initiatives, such as improved apps and an impressive option to use the Medium publishing platform as your own blog through your own URL.

The momentum seems real, so let’s see if this continues. With so much shouting going on these days, at least there’s a place for more thoughtful exchanges.


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